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Welcome to our online campaign headquarters

Republican Primary

Vote Troy Ross on August 6th

Progress in Jackson County

Troy's concerns are more in line with the citizens' concerns

Iraqi War Veteran

Captain Troy Ross (Mississippi Army National Guard) while stationed in Iraq


Please vote Troy Ross on August 6th

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why I'm Running

As a life long resident of Jackson County, I understand why people love this community. It is critical for us to create a business friendly environment that will generate more jobs in our community, while working to maintain our charm.

Ask yourself what you really want from a supervisor. I am committed to being the person in Jackson County you can call and expect a call in return.

At the polls the choice is as simple as remembering that we all WIN in Jackson County when we all have a voice.

May God bless you all.

Your Friend,

Troy Ross

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