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Welcome to our online campaign headquarters

Republican Primary

Vote Troy Ross on August 6th

Progress in Jackson County

Troy's concerns are more in line with the citizens' concerns

Iraqi War Veteran

Captain Troy Ross (Mississippi Army National Guard) while stationed in Iraq


Please vote Troy Ross on August 6th

Friday, April 12, 2019

A Voice for all of Us

When you elected me as your Jackson County Supervisor in 2012, I had two main motivations, Sophie and Joseph, for wanting to serve our community. Now, my wife, Lauren, and I have added Michael and Luke and I am once again asking for your vote. As a lifelong resident of Jackson County, I understand why people love this community and are committed to maintaining its charm. I believe it is critical for us to create a business-friendly environment that will generate more jobs in our county. I understand the importance of good roads and infrastructure; however, we must not lose sight of the important role our future generation plays in economic development. I believe supporting a solid recreation department where the families of our communities can mesh, grow, and develop is just as important to our future. Simply put, the driving goal is to continue our successful work moving Jackson County forward. The Jackson County “Economic Express” is rolling toward the future. We must continue this momentum so our children will be proud to have business opportunities and rewarding careers in which to raise their families in Jackson County. I would appreciate your vote in the Republican primary on August 6, 2019.

May God bless you all.

Your Friend,

Campaign Rally: Fish Fry

Come join us in Latimer at Latimer Community Center on May 31, 2019 from 4:30 until 7:00 PM.


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